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MANDARIN (Citrus nobilis)

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Price £5.45 inc. VAT
Code: 40

Mandarin (Citrus nobilis)

Location: Mandarin is grown in Algeria, Brazil, California, Cyprus, Florida, Greece, Italy, Spain and Texas.

Extraction: Expression from the peel.

Colour and Odour: The essential oil is golden yellow in colour and has a delicate, sweet (almost floral) aroma reminiscent of the fruit itself.

Description: A small evergreen tree growing up to 5.4 metres tall with shiny oval leaves fragrant flowers and fleshy fruits with skins that peel easily. The mandarin is very similar to the tangerine. The taste and flavour of both are more delicate and refined than those of an orange.

Background: Originating in China, where it is traditionally very important, the fruit was named after the Chinese mandarins. It was introduced to Europe at the beginning of the nineteenth century and to the Americas about half a century later.

Properties: Antispasmodic, digestive, sedative and tonic.


Digestive System-Aids digestion as it calms the intestines but acts as a tonic for the stomach and liver. Its gentle action is suitable for helping with hiccups.

Skin-Promotes call regeneration; excellent for pregnancy; helps prevent stretch marks.

Emotion: Fresh, subtle, sympathetic, inspiring and strengthening.

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MANDARIN (Citrus nobilis)

MANDARIN (Citrus nobilis)
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